Study habits for a successful year

Monday, February 1, 2021

If you have ever felt like you’re treading water when it comes to your study, you’re not alone. Losing track of your goals, feeling confused about where you’re at or struggling to get motivated are all common from time to time.

Not to mention, when this happens you are likely to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or both. A solid study strategy is what you need! It may sound simple, but getting back on track with your studies isn’t as challenging as it may seem. It all starts with strong study habits that suit you.

Getting the most from your training comes down to building habits that support study success. And it’s never too late to get sorted with some effective strategies to overhaul your approach to studying. With some tried and tested ideas and techniques, you can be focused and flying along in your course in no time.

Study habits for a successful year

Study success with strong habits

Is your study routine as effective as it could be? Do you know what support is available to you? Are you making time for doing things you love and relaxing? For study habits that work for you, they need to, well, work for you! Maximise your study outcomes and find the best strategies for you to incorporate and start to really enjoy your training journey.

Strong and effective study habits can be developed to foster a great study routine that will help you on your way to achieving your education and career goals.

Make a plan

Routines and schedules are underrated. Seeing everything that needs to be done laid out in front of you and piecing it together can help you to be more organised and stay focused on what needs to be done. Developing study habits requires consistency, and organisation and effective time management are key to fitting in everything that needs to be done without feeling overwhelmed. Thanks to flexible online study options, it’s easier than ever to make sure your study habits suit your life.

Study your way

Effective study habits need to be developed alongside your personal preferences. For example, do you prefer to study alone or are you more of a study group kind of person? Maybe you like to listen to music while you are studying? Or is a quiet space preferable? Day or night? At home or at the library? Are you most productive first thing in the morning? Or maybe you prefer to get stuck into studying in the evening? Work out what works for you and try to incorporate this into your study plan.

Get SMART with your goals

Taking a SMART approach is the smart way to go about setting your study goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timing — all things to consider when sorting out what your goals are and how to achieve them.

S What do you want to accomplish and what needs to be done?
M How will you track your progress on achieving this goal?
A: Know what is required to achieve the goal and be sure that it can be done based on any potential constraints.
R Is it worthwhile, is this the right time and what will I get from accomplishing it?
T Work toward a deadline. When do you want to complete this goal and what mini-deadlines will help create a feasible timeline to get there?

Prioritise taking care of yourself

Sleep, regular exercise and healthy eating may sound like clichés when it comes to getting the most out of life and study, but it’s true. Getting enough sleep ensures that you are better able to focus, recall information and process the learning material. Exercise and healthy eating are essential for optimal functioning, and you’ll feel better for it too.

Avoid cramming

Cramming all your study into a giant block of time to get it done can be tempting, but for most people this isn’t productive. It’s likely that you will get more from your study time by breaking it up into smaller blocks. It’s often easier to fit in this way too as smaller periods of time are easier to come by, plus it gives you time to process what you’re learning before going back for more.

Reach out for support

Make a habit of asking for help when you need it. Asking for help isn’t just okay — it’s recommended! At Practical Outcomes we have a team of people who are dedicated to your study success! Your trainer is on hand to answer your questions, direct you to resources and guide you through your course. You can get extra help with literacy and numeracy from our LLN Coordinator — perfect for those who find that these areas aren’t their strong suit, or if English is your second language. Our team is there to ensure that you have everything you need and to support you in achieving study success.

Study habits to maximise your training

The flexibility of online early childhood education courses enables you to create a plan to study that fits in with your life. With a little planning and organisation, plus effective study habits, you can achieve your training and career goals in no time. Take a look at our checklist to discover if it’s time for you to start an early childhood education course and move into a meaningful career that you will love.

The Practical Outcomes team is here to help. Contact us to chat about your training and career goals, and get started.


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Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia