Practical Placement

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Get hands-on experience in a real workplace setting with practical placement


Graduate with job-ready skills and the confidence that comes from competence and experience. We help you organise practical placement to ensure that you develop the essential on-the-job know how to thrive in the child care industry and bring your career dreams to life.

Practical placement in four simple steps

Apply for a Practical Outcomes course

We help arrange placement in a suitable centre

Trainer assesses your practical skills on site at placement

Graduate as a confident, capable child care professional!

Practical placement with plenty of support

Kylie Jackson

Kylie Jackson
Work Placement Coordinator

Kylie Jackson is passionate about the importance practical work placement plays for learners and takes great pride in making it a valuable and positive experience. She takes care to really get to know the students she is finding work placement for, so that she can provide them with the best hands-on learning opportunities that suit each individual.

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Download our flyer to learn about what to expect while on placement


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Hands-on learning and practical skills give graduates the skills they need to become job ready in the early childhood education and care sector. Get in touch with our course advisors to learn more.

Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia
1300 799 610Enquire Now