10 resume tips to land you the interview

Monday, March 5, 2018

You’ve got the qualifications, now it’s time to find a position in the industry. While you should be feeling job-ready, even the thought of writing a resume can be daunting. We’ve got some resume tips that can help.

The hardest parts seem to be getting started and then feeling satisfied with what you’ve put together. To help, we’ve rounded up ten tried and tested resume tips that will help you land the interview.

10 resume tips

1. Gather the information you need

The first thing to do is look at a resume template online and all the things that need to be included. Education information, dates, email address, references, employment history… Get the details you need so that you’re organised to begin with.

2. Use a template (but customise it)

Unless you’re a whiz with a word processor or design, using one of the many resume templates available online is a great idea. But make sure you customise it so that it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for.

3. Keep it simple and clear

Chances are the person who receives your resume and job application will have the task of reading through many other applications. They most likely don’t have time to trawl through 10 pages about you, so keep it down to two pages if possible. And while a little creative flair is great, steer clear of fancy fonts that can make things unclear. Clear subheadings and dot points can help make it easy to read too.

4. Be professional

Professionalism is important, so while cutiepiesarah@gmail.com is acceptable in your personal life, sarah.adams@gmail.com is more appropriate for work. Make sure your social media profiles are either private or have any unprofessional material removed too. It’s not uncommon for employers to screen job applicants by searching for them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

5. Read the application carefully

Job application requirements can vary, so take care to double check what they are asking for. Do they ask for a cover letter? Are references required?

6. Follow the submission instructions

Following on from number 5 above, make sure you know how you are meant to submit your application. Is it via email or via a website or online portal? Do they want a .doc or .pdf format?

7. References

At some stage in the interviewing process a potential employer will want to contact references to learn more about you. These can be trainers, teachers or previous employers who have an insight into working with you. In the references section of your resume, you could include the names and contact details for your references, or make note that references are available upon request.

8. Highlight your strengths

Most of us don’t naturally talk ourselves up but for the purpose of a resume, give yourself some credit! Highlighting your strengths will help your interviewer to get a clear view of your capabilities and will overcome any areas that you may be lacking in experience.

9. Proofread

Spelling errors, weird spacing, missing apostrophes… It’s the little things that count and it demonstrates your attention to detail. Read over your resume and even ask a friend or family member to read it for you too.

10. Follow up

Instead of feeling glum about not hearing back about your application in the timeframe you might have hoped for, make contact. A follow up call or email shows you are interested, confident and take initiative. Go get ‘em!

Download and print out our “10 resume tips” infographic.

Read further how to prepare for your child care job interview.

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