
Posts tagged: online learning
Which early childhood education training delivery mode suits you?

Which early childhood education training delivery mode suits you?

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

When planning your studies, one of the main concerns is how to strike a balance between study and work while still leaving time for your personal life. Getting this balance right may seem like a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re new to study or vocational education you might not realise that […]

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5 quick tips to refresh your study space

5 quick tips to refresh your study space

Friday, June 17, 2022

Having a space in your home where you can study comfortably is a must when undertaking an online course. Whether studying from home was always your goal, or you ended up doing a course online because of COVID, your study area can impact your success. For some, an entire room might be a home study […]

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Early childhood educator career insights

Early childhood educator career insights

Friday, June 10, 2022

When exploring the ins and outs of a career in early childhood education, the best place to get information is from the people working in this growing sector. Of course, not everyone has their own early childhood educator on hand to ask questions, which is why we had a chat with an educator for you! […]

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Returning to study as a mature aged student

Returning to study as a mature aged student

Monday, February 28, 2022

Taking up a course in your later 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s means you will be returning to study as a mature age student. If it’s been a while since you last studied perhaps since high school, you might feel a little nervous. But there’s no need to worry – it’s not as daunting as […]

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The learning trends in 2022 that learners really want

The learning trends in 2022 that learners really want

Monday, February 14, 2022

There are many factors that drive the learning trends we see year to year. From new technology to sector overhauls, societal shifts to government policy — the way education and training is approached can evolve over time. And so it should, as the way we study and work changes too. Not to mention of course […]

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High satisfaction rate for Practical Outcomes learners: NCVER survey results

High satisfaction rate for Practical Outcomes learners: NCVER survey results

Friday, December 10, 2021

The results are in from the latest survey from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) survey, and Practical Outcomes is on track, continuing to deliver training satisfaction and employment outcomes for learners. Informing and influencing the vocational education and training (VET) space in Australia drives NCVER’s research, and each year learners who have […]

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eLearning: flexible online study

eLearning: flexible online study

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Life has changed a lot in the last couple of years, to say the least. From masks to working from home, checking in at shops and cafes and periods of not being able to leave the house or see loved ones. Along with school children taking on remote learning from their homes, those studying or […]

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Healthy Digital Habits for Families with Dr Kristy Goodwin

Healthy Digital Habits for Families with Dr Kristy Goodwin

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

We sat down with Dr Kristy Goodwin to unpack some of the challenges of raising children in a digital age. Kristy has undertaken extensive research in this space and has been honing her expertise for the past decade, plus she’s also a mum of three boys. “She makes relevant, research-based information available to parents, caregivers and educators so that they […]

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Studying online for the first time? What to expect.

Studying online for the first time? What to expect.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

With more people undertaking courses online, gaining your qualifications from home or the workplace is becoming increasingly common. But, if you’ve never studied online before, you’re probably wondering what you can expect While most of us have experienced classroom learning at various points in our lives, enrolling to take classes via a computer or laptop […]

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