
Posts tagged: learner success
Support from our Learner Success Team

Support from our Learner Success Team

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Giving our learners everything they need to reach their maximum potential is our top priority Practical Outcomes. We strive to centre our approach around the needs and experiences of our learners, and we offer a comprehensive study support to help you make the most of your journey with us. Our committed team of advisors is […]

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Language, Literacy and Numeracy Coordinator: Meet Stacey!

Language, Literacy and Numeracy Coordinator: Meet Stacey!

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Studying is rewarding and can be really fun, but it can also be challenging. This is especially true if literacy and numeracy are areas that you find tough at times. At Practical Outcomes, we recognise that every learner has unique needs, and we are dedicated to supporting all learners to achieve the best outcomes possible. […]

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Independent skills providers trusted by 87.1% of learners

Independent skills providers trusted by 87.1% of learners

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A recent report from the Independent Tertiary Education Council of Australia (ITECA) shows that 4.3 million learners were in training during the pandemic. Of those, an impressive 87.1% of the total number enrolled with independent skills training providers. That is, like us at Practical Outcomes!   Training turned to in tough times Looking back at […]

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Trainer support to mentor learners for career success

Trainer support to mentor learners for career success

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Mentors are a part of many stages of learning. From our earliest years with parents and caregivers through to teachers throughout schooling years — we’ve all had mentors along our journey. And a great mentor can make a huge difference. People tend to think of learning as an individual experience, and while it is definitely a […]

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Early childhood educator career insights

Early childhood educator career insights

Friday, June 10, 2022

When exploring the ins and outs of a career in early childhood education, the best place to get information is from the people working in this growing sector. Of course, not everyone has their own early childhood educator on hand to ask questions, which is why we had a chat with an educator for you! […]

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Make the most of your study journey in early childhood education and care

Make the most of your study journey in early childhood education and care

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

If you’re interested in studying and eventually working in early childhood education and care, you probably know already that it’s a rewarding field to work in. Not only will you have a hand in shaping the next generation, but you’ll also find many opportunities to have fun, be creative, and make a difference along the […]

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Learner experience: Studying a diploma of early childhood education online

Learner experience: Studying a diploma of early childhood education online

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

When researching early childhood education courses to enrol in, it can sometimes be tricky to be certain that you are choosing the course provider that is right for you. You want a Registered Training Organisation that delivers the highest quality training for the sector along with things like aligned passion and values, course delivery modes […]

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Our approach to human-centred education

Our approach to human-centred education

Thursday, March 4, 2021

When it comes to gaining qualifications, the focus should be on the learner first and foremost. This is the key message carried within human-centred education — an approach to learning that puts the individual at the centre of their own learning experience. At Practical Outcomes, we believe that human-centred education is a better way forward […]

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