The pandemic has proved how deeply we rely on skilled care workers in Australia. The Australian Government’s JobTrainer scheme is intended to support existing care workers to access the resources and training they need, and to provide affordable access to training for first-time learners and those new to the sector.
As part of the 2021-22 Budget, the federal government pledged another $500 million to be matched by state and territory governments to extend the JobTrainer program until December 2022. Extending the JobTrainer scheme will help to address the ongoing demand for care workers and support a further 163,000 training places nationwide.
Changes to government initiatives like JobTrainer can be hard to follow, but don’t worry if you’re not sure what this means for you. Extra training places are now available, and below you’ll find all you need to know about how to take advantage of the latest extension to this scheme.
What is JobTrainer?
Getting people into the workforce is a priority, especially since the onset of the pandemic. The JobTrainer scheme is a funding initiative between Federal and State governments to do just this.
Job seekers and young people can take advantage of subsidised training to learn skills for jobs that are in demand now and predicted to rise in the future. Basically, this means that eligible individuals are able to access funding for approved courses with either low fees or none at all.
With the latest extension comes an important update to the JobTrainer scheme. Now, any eligible Australian resident who wishes to enrol in an early childhood education qualification can access a JobTrainer place – meaning that subsidised places are open not only to young people and those who are unemployed, but to anyone who is interested and meets the criteria regardless of age, employment status or prior qualifications.
State and Territory governments are responsible for deciding which courses and qualifications will be prioritised under the scheme, depending on which sectors are expected to have the highest growth. We are one of the Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) through which new learners can access courses. In Victoria, we’ve secured funding for courses in early childhood education and care.
Who is eligible for JobTrainer?
Under the new extension you are eligible to kick-start your career in a highly rewarding sector if you are:
- an Australian or New Zealand citizen, permanent resident or asylum seeker
- 17-24 years old when the course starts
- A job seeker of any age who is unemployed
- A job seeker of any age with a valid current Health Care, Pensioner Concession or Veterans Gold Card, or,
- Enrolling in aged care, disability services, children’s services or a digital skills course regardless of employment status
- Have not used a JobTrainer funding position previously
To reiterate, if you are interested in accessing a place in children’s services such as early childhood education, you can do so no matter how old you are, how long you’ve been working, whether you’ve studied before and whether you have any prior qualifications.
With these changes, now is the perfect time to look into enrolling in an eligible course.
Embark on a course for a rewarding career
Enrolling in a new course with the support of JobTrainer means that you can pursue a rewarding career at a low cost to you personally. With the most recent extension you may be eligible for funding whether you are just starting out in the workforce or looking at switching careers to work in a more meaningful sector.
A career in early childhood education is a career helping kids to learn and thrive. Tailor your career to suit your lifestyle, use your interests and unique traits to become a great carer and educator, and have a positive impact on future generations. The benefits are endless!
Course options include:
- The CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care is your starting point and the minimum level requirement for child care workers in Australia. Use this course as a springboard to bloom and progress in the sector.
- The CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care provides the training you need to become a lead educator or even Centre Director in centre based and family day cares. This qualification enables you to take your career to the next level by striving for leadership roles within the industry.
Pursue a rewarding career with JobTrainer behind you
Working in early childhood education, you’ll see the enormous difference you make in both individuals lives and the health of broader communities. No matter who you are, JobTrainer makes it easier to access the training you need to enter these rewarding sectors.
Start your career today with JobTrainer funding behind you and the support of our dedicated trainers at Practical Outcomes.