
Posts tagged: study online
Which early childhood education training delivery mode suits you?

Which early childhood education training delivery mode suits you?

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

When planning your studies, one of the main concerns is how to strike a balance between study and work while still leaving time for your personal life. Getting this balance right may seem like a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re new to study or vocational education you might not realise that […]

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What are the advantages of studying online?

What are the advantages of studying online?

Friday, January 21, 2022

Over the last few years, studying online has become the norm. And it’s not surprising! While taking on studies once meant organising class schedules that fit in with work and life commitments, commuting options and more, studying online has added flexibility to getting qualified. If you’re curious about getting qualified via an online course, read […]

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eLearning: flexible online study

eLearning: flexible online study

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Life has changed a lot in the last couple of years, to say the least. From masks to working from home, checking in at shops and cafes and periods of not being able to leave the house or see loved ones. Along with school children taking on remote learning from their homes, those studying or […]

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Finding a high quality online course

Finding a high quality online course

Monday, July 12, 2021

Before you start getting overwhelmed scrolling through online course options, it’s good to take the time to really understand what is involved with an online course and what you should expect from your studies. You know you need to get the necessary qualifications to pursue your chosen career path, but which online course will be […]

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Study habits for a successful year

Study habits for a successful year

Monday, February 1, 2021

If you have ever felt like you’re treading water when it comes to your study, you’re not alone. Losing track of your goals, feeling confused about where you’re at or struggling to get motivated are all common from time to time. Not to mention, when this happens you are likely to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or […]

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De-stress techniques for study success

De-stress techniques for study success

Friday, July 3, 2020

At times stress can be motivating, helping to remind us to get that assignment done or remembering to complete specific tasks on our to-do list. However, it doesn’t take much for stress to get out of control and start to overwhelm you. Learning ways to de-stress is essential, especially if you’re trying to manage studying, […]

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