
Posts tagged: return to child care
COVID-19 Update – Continuing to support your learning journey

COVID-19 Update – Continuing to support your learning journey

Friday, July 16, 2021

This communication is to provide our learners with an update on Practical Outcomes’ plan for managing your learning journey now and in the months ahead with relation to any impacts from coronavirus (COVID-19). We are all certainly in a constantly changing landscape and appreciate this will impact people in varying ways. We believe, now more […]

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COVIDSafe overview for early childhood services

COVIDSafe overview for early childhood services

Friday, October 30, 2020

The return to early childhood education has been exciting and a relief for many children, educators, parents and services. Overcoming the challenges of 2020 to reunite in early childhood education services has been rewarding, allowing many to return to work and get back to the routines they value. To continue to remain open while protecting […]

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Easing the transition back to early learning

Easing the transition back to early learning

Monday, October 5, 2020

As Melbourne’s lockdown restrictions ease, children, parents, educators and centre owners are heading back to early learning. Early childhood education services can now reopen for all families, and while this is exciting for many there is likely to be a transition period too. New routines, or getting used to previous routines can take some time, […]

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