
Posts tagged: reggio emilia
Promoting happiness and health with beach and bush kinder

Promoting happiness and health with beach and bush kinder

Monday, January 6, 2020

Bush kinder is inspired by the ‘forest schools’ of Denmark and Scandinavia and has been growing in popularity in Australia over the last few years. The degradation of our natural environment over the last few decades has demonstrated how vital it is to help the next generation grow into caring, compassionate individuals who love and respect and […]

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Reggio Emilia-inspired early childhood education

Reggio Emilia-inspired early childhood education

Thursday, October 17, 2019

There is no single way to approach early childhood education. In fact, there are a variety of educational philosophies old and new which childcare professionals draw upon. One renowned philosophy is the Reggio Emilia approach, and this article looks at what Reggio Emilia involves and the potential benefits of this approach in childcare settings. What […]

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Famous early childhood educators who made a difference

Famous early childhood educators who made a difference

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Early childhood education has an incredibly important role within communities and in society more broadly. When you become an early childhood educator, you are dedicating your career to making a difference in the lives of children and helping them to reach their full potential. You’re also making a difference in the lives of parents who […]

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