
Posts tagged: first aid courses
What is a short course and is it worthwhile?

What is a short course and is it worthwhile?

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Short courses are, as the name suggests, quite short. That is, they don’t take long to complete. The qualifications they offer are not short on benefits though! Short courses are a great option when you are looking to upskill your career, are seeking out extra knowledge and skills or simply want to make the most […]

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First aid in child care – is your centre compliant?

First aid in child care – is your centre compliant?

Monday, September 2, 2019

To deliver the highest possible standard of care in early childhood education, first aid qualifications are vital. It’s not enough to have a first aid kit — knowing how to use it properly and administer potentially life-saving first aid is a must for safety in any industry. In the child care industry approved first aid […]

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