
Posts tagged: child care centre
Celebrate Harmony Day in Child Care

Celebrate Harmony Day in Child Care

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Conversations about togetherness and inclusivity are vital in early childhood settings, and Harmony Day is a great opportunity. Celebrated across Australia on March 21 every year, Harmony Day is dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusivity, and togetherness in communities. For early childhood educators, celebrating Harmony Day in child care is an opportunity to create meaningful exploration […]

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Being SunSmart in early childhood education centres

Being SunSmart in early childhood education centres

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

As early childhood educators, our number one goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment for children to play, learn, and grow. When it comes to the warmer months in particular, an important aspect of providing care for children centres around being SunSmart in early childhood education. In Australia, the sun’s rays can be […]

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Healthy eating enhances early childhood

Healthy eating enhances early childhood

Thursday, October 12, 2023

To support the rapid growth and development children experience in early childhood, healthy eating is vital. Not only can good nutrition promote appropriate growth and development for children during their early years, it can also impact their behaviour and wellbeing. Education, support and access to healthy foods works alongside physical activity to ensure children get […]

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Cold and flu etiquette in early childhood education

Cold and flu etiquette in early childhood education

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Winter is here which also means cold and flu season has arrived. We all know how dismal it can get at home, in early learning centres and schools this time of year – all those sniffles, coughs and runny noses. Thankfully there are some simple things we can do to help reduce the prevalence of […]

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How your early childhood centre can utilise social media

How your early childhood centre can utilise social media

Monday, May 17, 2021

In 2021, social media marketing is essential for the success of any business, and early childhood education is no exception. A little effort goes a long way on social media, so learn how to get started with posting quality content and start reaching and sharing with your community and beyond. Whether you’re looking for a […]

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Kinder funding boost to enhance school readiness

Kinder funding boost to enhance school readiness

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A funding boost for early childhood education services has been announced by the Victorian Government to help support school readiness for children in kinder during term 4. It has been a tough year for many families and early childhood services, with the coronavirus pandemic resulting in personal challenges, centre closures, employment uncertainty, job losses and […]

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COVIDSafe overview for early childhood services

COVIDSafe overview for early childhood services

Friday, October 30, 2020

The return to early childhood education has been exciting and a relief for many children, educators, parents and services. Overcoming the challenges of 2020 to reunite in early childhood education services has been rewarding, allowing many to return to work and get back to the routines they value. To continue to remain open while protecting […]

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Easing the transition back to early learning

Easing the transition back to early learning

Monday, October 5, 2020

As Melbourne’s lockdown restrictions ease, children, parents, educators and centre owners are heading back to early learning. Early childhood education services can now reopen for all families, and while this is exciting for many there is likely to be a transition period too. New routines, or getting used to previous routines can take some time, […]

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Case study: An inside look into infection control in early childhood services

Case study: An inside look into infection control in early childhood services

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

We spoke to Practical Outcomes early childhood education Regional Manager Anastasia Natoli about the infection control changes being implemented by the early childhood education and care industry as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Early childhood educators are vital to our communities, ensuring that children have access to high–quality learning and care during the crucial early years of […]

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