
Posts tagged: back to studying
Study habits for a successful year

Study habits for a successful year

Monday, February 1, 2021

If you have ever felt like you’re treading water when it comes to your study, you’re not alone. Losing track of your goals, feeling confused about where you’re at or struggling to get motivated are all common from time to time. Not to mention, when this happens you are likely to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or […]

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Returning to studying after a break

Returning to studying after a break

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

If you’re thinking about returning to study, but it’s been a while, chances are you’re feeling a little apprehensive. Does your brain still have the ability to focus and learn new things? Will you be able to fit it all in? Don’t worry — it’s not as challenging to get back into the swing of […]

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Time management strategies for study success

Time management strategies for study success

Monday, June 22, 2020

Between working, studying, family commitments and life in general, it can begin to feel like there’s not enough time in the day. If you started studying a course during the COVID-19 pandemic, you might be trying to work out how to fit it all in as life begins to return to normal. Learning some effective […]

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Going back to study after 3+ years off — is it worth it?

Going back to study after 3+ years off — is it worth it?

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Parenting, travelling, casual jobs — there are many reasons people have a time away from studying for a year or even a few years. While going back to studying can feel daunting, it can definitely be worthwhile. Our students come from all walks of life and have taken anything from a year to a couple […]

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