
Posts tagged: activity plans
Putting the play, fun and adventure into ECEC

Putting the play, fun and adventure into ECEC

Thursday, September 16, 2021

In Australia, play-based learning is at the centre of the way we approach early childhood education. This is underpinned by the Early Years Learning Framework and National Quality Standard, each highlighting the importance of incorporating play and exploration into early childhood learning experiences. Play is one of the most critical ways a child learns and […]

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Ideas for those in lockdown with young children

Ideas for those in lockdown with young children

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Life as we know it has changed for many due to the evolving pandemic. For many, new restrictions and lockdowns are in place and with them a host of challenges to navigate. While lockdowns are challenging for everyone, getting through lockdown while juggling parenting, work, study and/or remote leaning, can be extremely tough. Managing lockdown […]

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A high-quality activity plan for your early learning centre

A high-quality activity plan for your early learning centre

Thursday, May 13, 2021

For early learning centres and their committed educators, providing children with engaging educational experiences is the goal. Creating activity plans, educational programs and curriculums that provide children with educational and enjoyable experiences from which they can learn and grow is what early childhood education is all about. An effective activity plan contributes to children’s development […]

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