Your guide to a perfect first aid kit for home and travel

Friday, March 23, 2018

A first aid kit is an essential item and one that we should all own. There are many first aid kits available to purchase, or you can assemble a first aid kit yourself. Just make sure you include all the most important items!

First aid kits of many shapes and sizes can be bought, including some designed specifically for the home, for travel or to provide care for children. If you’re putting one together yourself you can even tailor it to your own needs and those of your family. For example, if you have a family member living with allergies, asthma or a particular illness that could require emergency treatment.

first aid kit


A first aid kit for home

Your workplace should have at least one first aid kit — if you don’t know where that it, make sure you ask. But it’s also important to have one at home.

Providing first aid at home can be as simple as applying an adhesive dressing, however emergency situations can certainly arise within the home. This means your first aid kit could enable you to be equipped to provide help at home in an emergency while waiting for medical assistance to arrive.

So what should your first aid kit contain? Download the list here to print and take to the shops with you.

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First aid kit for travel

If you’re traveling, you’ll need a first aid kit to take with you on your trips too. This is likely to contain similar items, however there are some extra items you could decide to buy and have with you to be fully equipped. Download the list here to print and take to the shops with you.

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First aid kits for children

If you have children or just want to be prepared, things like adhesive plasters with characters or pictures on them can make for a more enjoyable first aid experience for a child. But it’s not only the difference between basic first aid kit and first aid kit for children. Download the list here and check if you are prepared.

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If you haven’t received first aid training including how to perform life-saving CPR, you can train any time with Practical Outcomes. Book the course if you are ready.

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What else you need to know about first aid?
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