What is first aid?

Thursday, March 8, 2018

You have heard of it and understand that it’s important, but what is first aid, who uses it and what’s involved? Firstly, everyone can use first aid and it could enable you to save someone’s life.

what is first aid

So what is first aid? More than just knowing how to use a first aid kit (which is also useful information), first aid is the act of delivering the first help in case of an emergency. Injury, illness or any number of accidents can occur any time, and first aid training means that if you’re first on the scene, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to know what to do.

What is first aid for?

Is it just for cuts? Is it to help someone who is drowning? First aid is actually for a variety of situations that could require medical assistance.

First aid could be used for something like a minor cut, or it could be potentially life saving in the case of situations like:

  • Burns
  • Choking
  • Diabetes
  • Shock
  • Anaphylaxis and allergies
  • Asthma
  • Bleeding
  • Diabetes
  • Seizures
  • Drowning
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke

Who is first aid for?

First aid can be performed on anyone by anyone. While many occupations specifically require first aid qualifications, first aid training is also useful for anyone to have.

While medical assistance is usually called on, including an ambulance in case of an emergency, the first aid delivered to people while waiting for help to arrive can make all the difference.

What does first aid involve?

First aid involves a variety of procedures that apply to many different situations.

In first aid training you will learn how to treat a person who is unconscious, how to administer an adrenalin injector pen and how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) amongst other procedures.

Ready to get first aid training?

With the knowledge of what first aid is, it’s easy to see how essential this training is for just about anyone.

Practical Outcomes delivers first aid courses with an online learning component that is followed by a practical workshop. Learn in your own time, and then get hands-on first aid experience with quality trainers.

What else you should know about first aid?

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