
Posts tagged: bush kinder
A high-quality activity plan for your early learning centre

A high-quality activity plan for your early learning centre

Thursday, May 13, 2021

For early learning centres and their committed educators, providing children with engaging educational experiences is the goal. Creating activity plans, educational programs and curriculums that provide children with educational and enjoyable experiences from which they can learn and grow is what early childhood education is all about. An effective activity plan contributes to children’s development […]

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How to market your early learning centre

How to market your early learning centre

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Finding the right early learning centre for their children is of the utmost importance to parents. While once upon a time it was common to send children to the nearest early childhood education provider to home, today’s parents are looking for more. While proximity to work or home is still a consideration, parents want to […]

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Promoting happiness and health with beach and bush kinder

Promoting happiness and health with beach and bush kinder

Monday, January 6, 2020

Bush kinder is inspired by the ‘forest schools’ of Denmark and Scandinavia and has been growing in popularity in Australia over the last few years. The degradation of our natural environment over the last few decades has demonstrated how vital it is to help the next generation grow into caring, compassionate individuals who love and respect and […]

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