Overcome child care industry challenges with professional development

Monday, May 14, 2018

Three of the biggest challenges for child care centres (and how to overcome them)

Every industry has its challenges and child care is no exception. Overcoming the child care sector’s biggest trouble spots can be stressful and frustrating for owners and directors of centres, but these challenges can be overcome. It surprises many to find that child care challenges can be overcome in various ways, including professional development which has proven highly worthwhile for many in the child care industry.

professional development

So what are the main challenges that all centres continually report facing in early childhood education?

Three child care industry challenges

We mentioned that professional development training is a surprising tool to overcome many of the child care industry’s biggest challenges. So what are these challenges and how do you know if your centre is facing them? Let’s explore.


1. High staff turnover

Problem: Your staff members don’t stay long before they move on

Impact: This is a huge problem in the child care industry, as well as others including beauty and hospitality. In child care it means that children and families can’t create strong partnerships with educators and you are spending too much time and money on the recruitment and induction process.


2. Unmotivated educators

Problem: Your educators just don’t seem “into it”

Impact: Educators who are just going through the motions on a day to day basis cannot give children the highest quality early childhood education. A lack of enthusiasm in the workplace also contributes negatively to workplace culture and can be contagious.


3. Low enrolments

Problem: Minimal demand for your service and no income to maintain centre and pay staff what they deserve

Impact: Low enrolments have a run on effect of making your centre continually less appealing to families looking for the best centre for their children. Continued low enrolments can contribute to the demise of a centre.

If your centre is experiencing these challenges, know that you’re not alone. It’s also essential to take action and help your centre to flourish. Get in touch to find out how we can help.

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