Early Learning Matters

Friday, July 31, 2020

Early Learning Matters Week provides the opportunity to celebrate the inspiring and meaningful work undertaken by early childhood educators, teachers, trainers and carers every day.

Organised by leading early childhood organisation and voice for young children, Early Childhood Australia, Early Learning Matters Week helps to raise awareness of the importance of early learning for our children and society.

To celebrate Early Learning Matters Week, we asked a few of our trainers to explain why they are passionate about the work they do within the early childhood education and care sector and why early learning matters to them.

ECEC trainers, Practical Outcomes

Supporting Australia’s future through early learning

Policy and government funding unfortunately overlook or do not appreciate the extent of the important of clearly childhood education. Although studies continually demonstrate the invaluable nature of early childhood for children and their development, both in the present and well into the future, the support for the sector is not reflective of the research.

An investment into early childhood education is an investment in a thriving Australia in years to come — Early Learning Matters Week aims to improve the recognition of the role early childhood services play in our communities and push for greater support for the sector and its dedicated workers.

Empowering children to flourish

High quality early years education and care contributes to the social, emotional, physical, behavioural and cognitive development of children. The early learning provided through child care services and kindergarten can have a notable positive impact on a child acquiring the skills needed to flourish and enter their formal years of schooling with confidence and readiness. Early childhood education plays a particularly important role for the most vulnerable children in our communities, reducing inequalities in educational outcomes both in the short and long term.

The early childhood sector also delivers vital support to families. Without it, parents and carers of young children may be unable to return to work or struggle to provide for their families. Early learning should be viewed by communities as a valuable place for children to spend their time. This gives parents the confidence that choosing to utilise early childhood education for their children is a choice to give children access to a fantastic start in life that will benefit their development and wellbeing.

Early Learning Matters Week

Early childhood education for discovery and play

Early learning gives children the chance to discover their surroundings and explore the world from a safe place with the comfort and security of caring adults. While some families can provide these experiences and do a great job, early childhood education ensures that all children have access to stimulating and educational experiences, supported by educators who are trained to deliver them.

The play-based approach taken by early childhood providers means children benefit from partaking in activities that are engaging and lots of fun, while also fostering skills and creativity that will contribute to their learning for life.

Early Learning really does matter

Get behind Early Learning Matters Week! Talk to others about your experiences with early learning and explain its importance. You could post a message on social media about why you think early learning is so vital, or share images of the ways that you promote children’s learning. The Early Learning Matters website has ideas for you, and if you do use social media, feel free to include the hashtag #earlylearningmatters.

The team at Practical Outcomes is committed to the early childhood education and care sector. We know that it is truly essential for children, families and communities. A big thank you to those who work in and advocate for ECEC for the remarkable contribution you make to children’s lives and their futures.


For information about our early childhood education courses, contact us today.


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