Things NOT to say in your next job interview

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Job interviews are exciting to get, but can be nerve-racking when the day comes! These job interview tips are all about what you should NOT say, even when the nerves kick in. Read through them so you can safely avoid them on interview day.

The pressure of a job interview can make us say odd things. Some of us can’t even manage to get our own names out properly! But at Practical Outcomes we want to make sure you have the best chance of landing the job, so we have prepared this useful guide to help you avoid saying anything you shouldn’t.

Job interview tips

“What do you do here?”

By the time you arrive at the interview, you should already have a thorough understanding of what the early learning provider does, the age groups they care for, their company values and more. Aligning yourself with the organisation is really important to show how you can fit in to the team.

“No questions from me”

At the end the job interview, your interviewer will most likely ask you if you have any questions. It’s best to have a question or two up your sleeve for this moment to show that you’re interested and enthusiastic about the position.

Try “How many people are on the team here?” or “When could I expect to hear from you?”.

“I’m just starting out”

As a graduate who has recently completed an early childhood education and care course, you might feel the need to highlight your lack of experience. Chances are they have already seen your resume and know that you are new to the sector, so don’t feel you need to tell them. If anything, highlight all the experience you gained during your practical placement and talk about your strengths and things that you love about working in early childhood education.

“I’ve got to go”

Although you may have been given a time allocation for the interview, these things don’t always go to plan. Leave extra time before and after the interview in case it goes over. You’re better off getting the next bus than risking leaving a bad first impression by rushing off.

At Practical Outcomes you will get the support you need to enter the sector with confidence, so let your passion and personality shine through knowing that you are ready for this!

Download our interview tips infographic

To keep a copy of the information above, download our help ‘What NOT to say during an interview’ infographic to help you in preparation for your upcoming interview.

For learners looking for further support with job searching in early childhood education, get in touch with us today to learn more.


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